Commonwealth Secretariat
Science - Policy Communication and Integration
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The interaction between science and policy is critical to tackling global challenges and achieving the SDGs. However, the link between knowledge and action is not automatic, and needs to be cultivated, supported and steered to where it is most needed. This self-paced module has been developed by the Commonwealth Secretariat tailored towards Commonwealth government officials and citizens with an interest in building their understanding of how the worlds of marine science and marine policy should interact to bridge the ‘science-policy divide’.
Internet Speed Required: Slow
Offline Availability: No
Application Process Outline
To register for these courses, which are free of charge, please create a Commonwealth eLearning Platform account and follow the instructions:
Once you enrol onto the course/courses that you’re interested in, a member of the Secretariat team will approve your enrolment which will generally be within 24 hours. You can then complete the courses at your leisure.
More courses will be added in the near future. For more information about this course, contact: [email protected]